Many of us are unaware with the Intresting Facts about Internet. The internet has changed everything in the world. When we wake up or going to sleep then probably we use internet for checking daily news, chatting and for other things. Actually, we are addicted. Yes, we are fond of internet and gadgets. We can’t live a single day without internet if you are daily internet surfer.
So, you can imagine how much role internet is playing in our life. We have collected some Intresting Facts about the internet from various sources and arranges them according to interest level. I hope you gonna enjoy this very much.
30 Intresting Facts About The Internet
- On december 20, 1990, at laboratory in CERN , Sir Tim Berners-Lee invented the first website. You can visit the website but it contains only hyperlinks and text.
- There are more than 2.5 billion users worldwide with a global penetration rate of 35 percent with North America accounting for 14 percent of global internet users.
- The Biggest social networking website ‘Facebook’ was firstly named as ‘TheFacebook’ and later it changes to Facebook.
- Facebook has more than 1.94 billion monthly active users as of March 31, 2017.
- The first YouTube video was uploaded on April 23, 2005. It’s called “Me at the zoo,” by Jawed Karim, one of the founders, at the San Diego Zoo.
- “Gangnam Style” by Psy is still the most viewed YouTube video of all time. It’s been viewed over 2.8 Billion times.
- More than half of YouTube views come from mobile devices.
- Every 60 Seconds, 72 Hours of YouTube Video Is Uploaded.
- The first tweet was sent on March 21, 2006 by Jack Dorsey.
- As of the first quarter of 2017, the microblogging service averaged at 328 million monthly active users on twitter.
- The first ever email was sent in 1971 by Ray Tomilinson, the US programmer who invented the email system.
- According to Radicati Group’s statistics report 205 billion email messages are sent per day means almost 2.4 million emails are sent every second and some 74 trillion emails are sent per year.
- The very first spam email was sent in 1978 by a guy named Gary Thuerk.
- According to Commtouch’s Internet Threats Trend Report for the first quarter of 2013, an average of 97.4 billion spam e-mails and 973 million malware e-mails were sent worldwide each day.
- Google receives around 40,000 search queries every second, which is 3.5 billion searches per day and 1.2 trillion searches per year worldwide.
- The most searched term on Google 2016 was POKÉMON GO.
- The most searched people on Google 2016 was Donald trump and then Hillary Clinton.
- Mr. Berners-Lee uploaded the first image to the internet. It is of a joke band of women from the nuclear research lab CERN.
- The number of available apps in the Google Play Store are around 2.8 million in March 2017.
- Apple’s App Store is the second-largest app store with 2.2 million available apps.
- Karlheinz Brandenburg wad the person who developed Mp3 format which is now officially dead.
- “Tom’s Diner” by Suzanne Vega was the first song which was firstly released in mp3 format.
- Today the age of the Internet is 10296 days old. Check http://howoldistheinter.net to be keep updated.
- The first domain name registered was Symbolics.com. It was registered March 15, 1985, to Symbolics Inc., a computer systems company in Cambridge, Mass.
- Currently, google is blacklisting around 20,000 websites a week for malware and another 50,000 a week for phishing.
- WordPress is the world most popular CMS and runs about 27% of the entire internet. It is also one of the most vulnerable CMS.
- India has become #1 country in mobile data usage. Jio users consumed more than 100 crore GB of data per month on the Jio network and that’s more than 3.3 crore GB a day.
- Jio users consume nearly as much mobile data as the entire United States of America and nearly 50% more mobile data than all of China.
- Over 8.7 Billion Machines Are Currently Connected to the Internet.
- There’s a bigger part of the Internet, which is not linked with the common internet we use. It’s called ‘The Deep Web,’ which is at least 500 times larger than the common Internet and the sites in there are completely anonymous and you can surf them anonymously.
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